Make a Referral
The project offers an opportunity to become part of an established group that meets weekly, on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We operate all year round i.e. all seasons for around 48 weeks of the year
The WWP enables service users to achieve their maximum potential whilst providing a social outlet, consistency and structure.
A FREE taster day is available for all potential participants.
Days are costed around the individual’s needs e.g. ranging from attending with your own support to 1-1 support.
Transport for those who need it is provided for £15 per day, door to door or from a prearranged pick up point.
Payment through Personal Budgets are welcomed as we are a Worcestershire County Council Approved Provider. Private payment arrangements can also be facilitated on an individual basis.
For all referrals, enquiries or for any further information about us and what we do please contact us at