A Community Interest Company
Since we began, in December 2010, the Worcestershire Woodland Project (WWP) has engaged many adults with care and support needs from across Worcestershire. We provide participants with the opportunity to improve their levels of physical and mental health and wellbeing by contributing to conservation work and acquiring vocational and social skills using social forestry principles in a unique woodland setting. We have provided both non-accredited and accredited training for our participants and our commitment and focus is continuing to provide our participants with training to help support their goals and ambitions. .

How to Join the Project
We accept referrals from health & social care community teams or individuals, their families or support providers. Payment for the project is through Personal budgets or private funding.
Our Commitment
- Operate a person-centred approach and work with people at their own pace.
- Value each participants ability to promote their self confidence
- Safeguard vulnerable people – working in a multi-agency way in line with WSAB guidance
- Provide robust risk management, working within the project’s own policies and procedures
- Encourage and support pathways into employment.
- Provide fully qualified and experienced staff in both social care and forestry.
- Encourage and provide ongoing, industry standard training for both our staff and our participants.
Engaging adults with care and support needs from across Worcestershire.
The Worcestershire Woodland Projuect provides participants with the opportunity to improve their levels of physical and mental health through social forestry.
Conservation Work
The project helps to manage a 45-acre woodland on the Spetchley Estate through coppicing the hazel and other woodland management.
Activities & Crafts
Participants are offered woodland based activities & crafts from Forest Fitness sessions with a personal trainer to making garden furniture, archery and much more!